Social internal comms
Comms professionals and leaders are struggling to connect with employees. A key reason for this is the reliance on outdated communication methods. Broadcasting content has long been the tried and tested approach, but new platforms like Workplace and Yammer have created opportunities for more engaging and effective communication.
Our offering
To make the most of the new opportunities and truly engage employees, comms professionals and leaders need to shift away from communicating to inform, and towards communicating to connect and activate. We facilitate this shift by guiding them through training and coaching, running online dialogues, and developing communication strategies that harness the power of internal social platforms to drive engagement.
Our comms-specific tips & tricks campaign focuses on practical knowledge like starting groups, formatting posts, posting on behalf of others, and turning broadcast content into dialogues.
​Tips and tricks
for comms
We introduce comms teams to a mix of interventions for driving engagement and provide guidelines on how to incorporate them into well-balanced communication plans.​
General concepts
Our community management training covers using the purpose, people, and content pillars to set communities up for success, and day-to-day tasks like monitoring activity.
​Community management
We offer training to help comms professionals support leadership in connecting to employees on internal social platforms and driving engagement around key company narratives.
Leadership support
Assistants can play an important role in planning and executing leadership communication strategies. We offer training to brief them on why their role is so valuable and how they can make the most impact.
Personal assistant
This training is designed to equip key stakeholders with the skills to communicate effectively using social internal platforms. It includes leveraging platforms to accomplish leadership goals, influencing networks, leadership comms instruments, and driving key company narratives.
Leadership team