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 IT campaigns

IT-related topics can be difficult to keep high on the agenda, and many IT departments find themselves unable to engage wider audiences within their organisations.

Our offering

We design effective communication campaigns and online events around key IT topics. Our specialty is translating complex content into bite-size, easy to understand, and visually appealing material that highlights the business value and user perspective. We use modern technology solutions to deliver these campaigns - gamifying content, maximising engagement, and producing results.


As part of our IT offering, we create information security campaigns that help employees understand the importance of information security and how they can personally contribute.


How do we achieve this? By connecting with key stakeholders and in-house subject matter experts to understand the organisation's security concerns and priorities. This allows us to build on existing materials and protocols, ensuring that our campaign aligns with the security strategy. We leverage both new social technologies and traditional channels to deliver content, using a variety of methods and concepts such as learning at the point of need, JAMs, masterclasses, and gamification.


Our campaigns cover

Reporting phishing

Secure remote working

Digital security

in the workplace

Physical security

of personnel

Storing information

and data

Following policies

and regulations

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